More men makes eldercare easier

Men, and women who needed men, often die old and enfeebled. Good male help helps.

  • Family/hired help/medical workers/social workers doing eldercare for my gramma and grandpa by sex:
    • Men: 23%, n=7.
    • Women: 77%, n=23.
  • 92 year old widow (source: gramma) used to living with men and being steered around by them. Gramma was married 72 years to the same man who she really liked. He managed day-to-day affairs, where she’d eat dinner, where she’d drive that day etc. A man’s voice is the first thing she is used to hearing on waking, and the last thing she hears before sleeping. A man badgering her about hydration and shuffling her along for walks and asswipe duties helps.
  • 93 year old men (source: grandpa) haven’t hung out with their buds in nine years, because the buds are dead. All of them. Guys he played poker with (the wives played mahjong) for ten years he just, one day, never saw again. And he never got new card guys. His only source of “social” sensory input: headphones delivering noises from the television. An old man could use male company, a man to speak simply and male-ly right in the hearing aid, and do asswipe duties.
  • Pitches:
    • Perma WFH makes eldercare way easier, always avail to wipe grampa’s ass.
    • 5x salary bump if you can pass a fitness test: hauling enfeebled 160lb grandpa around was hard, I’m 5’10 170 and it was barely within my abilities to lift him around, prevent falls etc., full-grown people are heavy.