• Shoutout machine learning

    The computer doesn’t understand english, the computer understands code.

    I had to make professional use of the computer without an english-to-code translator for 18 years before ChatGPT? 15 min of web search replaced with 90 seconds of pasting and fidgeting in a text editor, 13 minutes 30 sec refunded. You can’t buy time. *Toph voice* Incredible

    I don’t have to read man pages to use command line tools? One-button data management tasks that used to require hours of point-click? I can ask in curt commands for flask apps and get a rickety prototype in hours????

    It can’t return anything load-bearing or profound, just daisy-chaining API runners, and I’m real scared when its fruits end up in load-bearing computerstuff, but man……………….

  • What I’ve learned during 13 years of mapmaking

    1. You’re not smarter than time. No reinventing wheels because you’re not that good.
    2. Just ask. You see a nice map, you see the mapmaker is alive, and you ask them how it happened. You might have a great conservation and find out.
    3. If map needs to look nice, divide work in a grid, grid cell is your atomic unit of work.
    4. Learn about everything else but maps, then use that to make maps. Maps are for the world, not the world for maps.
  • Have you heard about our painfully loud speaker as a service?

    Remember “LRAD”? You pointed it at clumps of people in a crowd and it throws vague “energy” at them, making it so painful to remain there that they’d flee? Something radley balko would’ve shown you in 2012? It was made by American Technology Corp? https://newatlas.com/lrad-long-range-acoustic-device/11433/

    Now they don’t sell “directed energy crowd control device” but “very loud relatively precise steerable speaker,” i.e. “the old thing but cranked down”.

    Cf. this mild website that looks like its selling enterprise timekeeping https://genasys.com/investor-relations/

    An actual “design artifact,” the very gentle Athletic Greens-colored website selling a (specifically) painfully loud speaker, as seen at end of this post in its mildest use


  • My least favorite ten thousand words

    In 2015, to finish a masters degree I had to complete a map that required
    1) “basic command line” levels of computer literacy
    2) a dim guess at the physical phenomena “represented” by a grid of numbers expressing some radiometric quantity concerning earth’s surface and atmosphere

    I failed. I spent like ~200 hours of work across months, emailing, googling, wandering around the space sciences engineering center with my laptop, an academic urchin. I had to abandon this map showing the relationship between earth’s surface albedo and earth’s atmospheric-terrestrial energy balance, which was good, because I knew nothing about such things and couldn’t even make an educated guess.

    Coarse scales, coarse materials, a ~3600×7200 grid of numbers was supposed to tell me about THE WHOLE PLANET EARTH’S exchange of photons? C’mon. There was a happy ending, I switched advisors and wrote a long PDF about a much simpler map that showed Landsat-detected urban land cover change in Laos (of which there was very little.)

    My stalagmite of a notes file below, may you understand something called the “bidirectional reflectance distribution function” better than I did.


    lmao i can’t even remember what I’m supposed to do! this shit hieroglyphics!

    Environmental Research Letters – check their formats, you’ll cut it down, put the rest in SI. 

    Latest questions

    • why don’t I just use class 13 from the albedo LUM and skip the euclidian allocation/nearest neighbor part?
      • “Since the LUMs include albedo and BRDF statistics for each IGBP class for all possible locations, they can be used to generate albedo maps for projected land cover”

    mutlu meeting 3/29

    • forcing calc is in realm of possibility, so you’re okay on that
    • recommends keeping track of LC through the whole process, but can just do it post-facto; after you get your final RF map for the 3 classes, overlay with original LC map and just see what coincides. you’ll have to do it once per month and then the +/- std dev but that’s still easier than keeping track of each class I think? I have 17 classes x 3 OG rasters x 12 months x 12 1 sigma x 12 1-sigma. but wait will I have to do that anyway post-facto?
      • you want to be able to say “for the 25%+ class, tk converted from boreal forest, tk from desert, etc.) you dont need the std dev since all we care about is the previous LC, right?
    • use these probability classes
      1. 25%+ – least conservative
      2. 50%+ – medium conservative
      3. 75%+ – most conservative
    • ghimire, soden papers can help with the vocabulary for your intro and lit review.

    outstanding questions

    • The forcing calc
      • Ghimire’s was forcing per unit area = (Δmonthly WSA x shell’s WSA kernel) + (Δmonthly BSA x shell’s BSA kernel)
      • Mine is: forcing per unit area = (((Δ WSA x fraction WSA) x WSA kernel ) + ((Δ BSA x fraction BSA) x BSA kernel)))  we use the fractions because we dont know the contributions. because kernels have both BSA and WSA, we separate their contributions.
      • what does my final number even mean? Summing all the cells for the segment “cells that are 100% likely to become urban in the future), I got WSA term = 6.4 and BSA term = 12.6. Divided by the number of cells (24,588) yields 0.000774 average per cell. so this makes sense, can only go up.
      • Do I need to keep track of albedo change by original LC class? document how it’s geographically varying; how it matters from LC > to current urbando a flowchartfind two contrasting cases; boreal forest converting to urban vs. desert converting to urban.proximity is king here; they bloom out from current cities
      • change to 3 classes, each probability class has RF, + std dev, – std dev. whiskers and error bars at the end. 25+; separate into discrete LC rasters? land cover class 1land cover class 2land cover class 350+75+
      • do LC change post-facto! as long as you keep the 3 classes, then
      • why more BSA? kernels isolate land surface component only, so less atmo effects overall, and less WSA effects. read more ghimire and shell to see why that is, goes in the explanatory.
      • just keep track of what you did to each file.
      • bring the maps, then we’ll pick out what we want to present.

    Pure data tasks

    • get albedo rasters into something easily readable: converted to tiff, stripped out water since I don’t care, bands = IGBP classes now. CHECK
      • Lower file size using extract by mask? nah I need the extents to match all the way around, the damn euclidian allocations won’t stand for that. but heyyy I can clip everything by the same shapefile right, then set extents to match the kernels? gonna try that, it’ll make this way faster.
      • when you get an actual good file, can use this to clip by shapefile: gdalwarp -of GTiff -dstnodata 0 -ot Int16 -te -180 -90 180 90 -cutline arc_dissolved.shp -cl arc_dissolved -crop_to_cutline BSA_Aug_mean.tif albedo_cropped3.tiff –config GDAL_CACHEMAX 2048 -multiwell that works but it’s incredibly slow AND it only cuts down filesize from 800mb to 500mb. Not worth the time or extent fuckery. nixed!
    • New categories CHECK
      • 25%+ – value is 25 
      • 50%+ – value is 50
      • 75%+ – value is 75
      • extant – value is 101 this did it: gdal_calc.py –calc “A*(A==101)” –format GTiff –type UInt16 –NoDataValue 0 -A input.tif –A_band 1 –outfile output.tifand to get the extents right:  gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -180 -90 180 90 75_and_up.tif 75_and_up2.tif
    • extant class 13 albedo; hey assign_albedos.py works, if you can get it to read what you like you can get this done lickety split
      • I mean i could do this pretty easily with batch scripting or gdal_calc as a subprocess, but it keeps throwing an error about “ERROR 1: TIFFOpen:: No such file or directory”. with a final “AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘SetGeoTransform’.” so I dunno? If this worked it would be great! sys.executable will always point to canopy, no matter terminal or canopy. so that may explain it? god canopy fucked my life up.this is taking guneralps current cities and assigning class 13 albedos from each of the following files. just a loop with band math, man.
      • extant city with WSA, 12 months
      • extant city with WSA, 12 months + 1std dev
      • extant city with WSA, 12 months – 1std dev
      • extant city with BSA, 12 months
      • extant city with BSA, 12 months + 1std dev
      • extant city with BSA, 12 months – 1std dev
    • euclidian allocation maps, arc cant read or write multiband tiffs for this function so going to get all these. this is taking what you just did up there, and using euclidian alloc to amoeba those values out. can batch it or use arcpy, probably going to batch it.
      • extant city with WSA, 12 months
      • extant city with WSA, 12 months + 1std dev
      • extant city with WSA, 12 months – 1std dev
      • extant city with BSA, 12 months
      • extant city with BSA, 12 months + 1std dev
      • extant city with BSA, 12 months – 1std dev
    • Assign %-chance pixels to extant’s albedos
      • Schneider’s 2001 data has all the LC classes! Seto’s data is in goode homolosine, schneiders provided in the same; maybe if I resample in the exact same way while NOT changing projection, I can see if schneider’s urban class is co-incident with seto’s if so, then the rest should match up. they both used goode homolosine! .msked.bip is the one you want
      • setting both layer CRS to the custom proj “+proj=igh +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs” gets them nicely co-incident. resampling with gdal_warp and tr -5000, default nearest neighbor, gets VERY close to their data! going to try it again with Arc. Arc time: arc is a fucking moron, the .hdr cant have .bip on the end too. so match filenames exactly and it’ll read the dataset. 10.1’s authalic sphere rounds the axes measurements to 6371007.181?seto comes in as “GCS_MODIS_sphere,” which must be why I had to fix it up in QGIS. defined schneider’s projection in arc to match seto’s, which had a decimal sphere called “GCS_MODIS_Sphere” that arc had never heard of.resample without class 13 extraction first, match cell size to seto, use as snap raster: perfectmatch on extant urban pixels, even the little scattered fucks. Yes!! can just fill in the isolated inland zero/waters and we’ll be good? better to throw out any seto pixels that coincide with old-LC water, or fill in the waters on my old-LC layer with nearest neighbor? I assume seto had a water mask, but probably one that threw out single water pixels? or wasn’t accounted for? either: don’t use any pixels that overlap water in the calcfind which seto pixels overlap water, extract them, use them as nibble mask? I’d tally up the # of seto-overlaps-water pixels just to see how many there are. result: threw out 340 pixels out of an original total of 251,479, 0.001%, so i aint worried schneider nodatas: 253, 254, 255. water is 0, 17.reprojected both to WGS84, using native goofy decimal degree resolution and just typing in 0.05deg. all still overlapped nicely.
      • http://chris35wills.github.io/python-gdal-raster-io/ and http://geoinformaticstutorial.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/reading-raster-data-with-python-and-gdal.html for ENVI and python?
      • split ALL non-extant pixels in seto file (1-100% chance) into land cover? but they cant encode more than one number? use arithmetic? 1-25 – 10026-50 – 200then add to LC raster one at a timethen get python to say -see value 109?fetch albedo value from an albedo file, picking the right bandreplace that value/write to a new file?LORDY this will suck, like 300 gigs of files at the end!waitaminit: store as multiband tiffs! mean, + std dev, – std dev = 3 bands. one for each month.
      • I have 3 rasters. The following has to be repeated for each: Assign a value to each of them using raster calc; they overlay with a land cover map, so assign the class of whatever they overlay to each pixel. Assign albedo value by reading from another file, which has one band per land cover class. Say a pixel from the first step is now land cover class 5; the script looks in an albedo file, opens band 5, then replaces the pixel’s current value with whatever it overlays in the albedo file.Repeat this 12x for 12 months of data, then +1 std deviation, then -1 std deviation. There are 12 months of albedo data, so this happens over the 12 albedo rasters.Then +1 standard deviation value, which is collected from another raster with the same setup as the albedo raster (i.e. script would open this raster, find the value in band 5, add this value to the current raster, then save as a new value in a new band) Repeat 12 times, once for each month.Then -1 standard deviation, same process as above, once per month for a total of 12.So (12 months of data) + (12 months of +1 std dev data) + (12 months of -1 std dev data) = 36 outputs written across 12 3-band rasters.Assign a new albedo value by reading from another file. If a pixel is land cover class 5, or 7, or 1, or whatever, it doesn’t matter this time; the script looks in a different albedo file then replaces the pixel’s current value with whatever it overlays and writes a new raster.Repeat this 12x for 12 months of data, then +1 std deviation, then -1 std deviation. There are 12 months of albedo data, so this happens over the 12 albedo separate rasters.Then +1 standard deviation, which is collected from another raster with the same setup as the albedo raster (i.e. script would open this raster, find the pixel in band 13, replace the value of the current pixel, then save as a new raster.) Repeat 12 times, once for each month.Then -1 standard deviation, same process as above, once per month for a total of 12.So (12 months of data) + (12 months of +1 std dev data) + (12 months of -1 std dev data) = 36 outputs written across 12 3-band rastersGenerate a new set of rasters, a simple subtraction: the difference the between the old-land-cover albedo value and the new-land-cover albedo value. Same thing as above: (12 months of data) + (12 months of +1 std dev data) + (12 months of -1 std dev data) = 36 outputs across 12 3-band rasters :moneybag: Looking for someone located anywhere + good at geo-python raster stuff to help me automate a raster processing task with GDAL and python. Basically band math over a few dozen files, likely a day or two’s work for someone competent, but I only have like a week to do it and I stink at python. Offering $750 to help me put together some scripts and parse the results into something I can play with, message me for deets or evandapplegate@gmail.com, please pass along to anyone who might be interested. :moneybag:
    • could this be done with vector? Then I’d only have to generate one file per each of the probability classes, but then how to move albedo values in the raster > values in their own column in the points? and then how to do changes/subtraction?

    What are you looking to end up with?

    • Euclidian allocation – 12 files, probably composed from individuals since I don’t think arcgis lets you write to multi-band tiffs. or do it with composite bands…
      • January mean albedo in band 1+1 std dev in band 2-1 std dev in band 3
      • Feb
      • Mar
      • Apri
      • May
      • June
      • July
      • Aug
      • Sep
      • Oct
      • Nov
      • Dec
    • Old-LC files:  3 probabilities x 15 land cover classes x 12 months x 3 values (mean, +1 sigma, -1 sigma) x .103gb per raster = 167 gigs
      • 25%+ land cover class 1 January mean albedo in band 1+1 std dev in band 2-1 std dev in band 3FebMarApriMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecClass 2Class 3Class 4Class 5Class 6Class 7Class 8Class 9Class 10Class 11Class 12Class 14Class 15Class 16
      • 50%+
      • 75%+
    • New-LC (now urban) files: 3 probabilities x 12 months x 3 values (mean, +1 sigma, -1 sigma) x .130gb = 14 gigs
      • 25%+ January mean albedo in band 1+1 std dev in band 2-1 std dev in band 3
      • 50%+
      • 75%+
    • Difference files: 3 probabilities x 12 months x 3 values (mean, +1 sigma, -1 sigma) x .130gb = 14 gigs
      • 25%+ January mean albedo in band 1+1 std dev in band 2-1 std dev in band 3
      • 50%+
      • 75%+

    :moneybag: Looking for someone located anywhere + good at geo-python raster stuff to help me automate a raster processing task with GDAL and python. It’s basically band math over a few dozen files, likely a day or two’s work for someone competent, but I only have like a week to do it and I stink at python. Offering $750 to help me put together a script and parse the results into something I can play with; message me for deets. :moneybag:

    python fuckery

    • /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions shows I have 1.11, running the gdalinfo in the “program” folder there says i have 1.11.4 AND it supports HDF4.
      • man it really hates quotes in your paths, if you try to call this to/from any paths with quotes it wont work. anyway this works:  /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.11/Programs/gdal_translate -of GTiff HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:”MCD12Q1.A2001001.h21v06.051.2014287163907.hdf”:MOD12Q1:”Land_Cover_Type_1″ test.tiffto run a bash script from the terminal: sh your_script.shokay we’re going to test resample with MCD12Q1.A2001001.h20v06.051.2014287163707, which is over egypt. seeing if resampling to 0.05 deg matches up with their shit, then I can mosaic the rest. testing in arc: loads nice in arcgis, which is a change. anyway reprojecting the 3707 tile to seto’s GCS and resampling, no go. ditto with taking the projected file and running nearest neighbor and majority resample from the toolbox.they said in the SI they extracted the urban pixels then resampled: extracted class 13 from the reprojected file > then resample, no joy on any resample method. its closer though! typing in 5000 no diff than using seto as cell size, makes sense. how about extracting, resampling, then reprojecting? slightly diff results from using seto as snap raster, but they wouldnt have done that since they, you know, did this first. so proceeding using unsnapped. okay so far the closest is extracted first, then reprojected, then nearest neighbor, using seto as snap raster.majority is way too generous, cubic and bilinear identical. im stumped, can’t get the extant city pixels to match up.maybe its because they said “circa 2000,” and im using 2001? this data got a revise in 2016, waybackmachine says the 005 was last there in 2012. MCD12Q1.005 is what I need to replicate this and I have MCD12Q1.051. Asked USGS, maybe I can get it from someone else?
      • they come out with “+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs”
    • /Users/traveler/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/bin has a gdalinfo in there, that says i have 2.0.1. Anything I do in the terminal or in canopy will use 2.0.1, which can’t access HDF. So I gotta find a way to access 1.11? downgrade? gonna try
    • http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/140398/mosaicking-and-projecting-modis-land-cover-data-mcd12q1

    Questions for Jeff

    A = urban pixels 

    B = “future” urban pixels

    C = albedo

    D = standard deviation of albedos in C

    • this is band math; just adding and subtracting. reclassify.
    • same as in 579 lab, basically; to uptake albedo values, reclassify to 0, then add what’s underneath on the albedo values to.
    • try this in Arc modelbuilder, grab the python script, then make a loop to just do it with your multiple inputs. out. jeff says build your workflow in modelbuilder and literally just loop over your stuff.

    you use GDAL on HDF4? NOPE

    Good packages? ever use rasterio? NOPE

    General software tips

    • Ugh arc exports all in ADF if you don’t tell it TIFF. or you can make 20MB tiffs to make this easier.
    • QGIS Raster > landscape ecology > statistics can tell you how much of each pixel, just put 1 for cell size
    • gdal_calc: set nodata = 0 means “when you’re all done, and you see a 0, that’s nodata”
    • processing > results viewer to show stuff that got ouput to html, as in raster statistics
    • you can run gdal_XXX.py scripts you download from anywhere as long as you put python in front of them and the full path. you cant just put em with the rest of the gdal python scripts in library/frameworks etc because of permissions I guess. so stash them where you need them and call with python and the full path from terminal.
      • here’s the path:  /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.11/Programs/
    • r.report will give you a histo, if its not outputting raw text you have to make it save to a path that has no spaces.
    • you’ll get incorrect min/max values no matter what you use to calc the stats (python gdal bindings, command line, GRASS, etc…) unless you run a gdal_translate with “-stats” first; this creates a new tif with the stats re-calc’d and embedded in the file.
      • gdal_hist gives a dumbass output with cumulative values and everything’s rounded to hell, maybe multiplying all the values would help but python is just rounding shit to death
      • r.report gives more precise output, but in awful formats. what’s with all the pipes???
    • settings > custom CRS for new projeciton
    • gdalwarp -tr 5000 5000 = target cell size 5000×5000 (meters)
    • ogr2ogr is fucked because it doesnt have spatialite =/, cant use -dialect sqlite
    • insanely stupid workflow for deleting those overlap-water pixels: extract all water pixels, find overlap with seto data, set all seto data to same value, convert seto data to vector, SAGA’s polygon dissolve, then clip raster by mask layer
    • store everything on the external, but do the conversions on the native HDD. the write speed sucks ass. IO sucks too so you cant really stream stuff into QGIS.
    • NameChanger for batch renaming
    • remember in python to pick what band you want from the albedo files, you kept getting that array-dimension error because it read the whole 16 band file instead of just band 13 (urban)
    • IGBP classes
      • 1  Evergreen Needleleaf forest
      • 2  Evergreen Broadleaf forest
      • 3  Deciduous Needleleaf forest
      • 4  Deciduous Broadleaf forest
      • 5  Mixed forest 6  Closed shrublands
      • 7  Open shrublands 8  Woody savannas
      • 9  Savannas
      • 10  Grasslands
      • 11  Permanent wetlands
      • 12  Croplands
      • 13  Urban and built-up
      • 14  Cropland/Natural vegetation mosaic
      • 15  Snow and ice
      • 16  Barren or sparsely vegetated
    • I have to do the following 12 times, 1 for each month:
      1. Reclassify urban raster into categories – might have to make these more unique if I’m going to assign by old albedo? used SAGA “reclassify grid values”0 – no chance of becoming urban1 – 1 to 25% chance2 – 26 to 50% chance3 – 51 to 75% chance4 – 76-99% chance5 – 100% chance10 – extant cities as of 2000-2001
      2. Let’s see what previous LC is like! got different pixel values for each %-urban layer. every pixel in 1-25% is “1,” every pixel in 25-50% is “2,” etc. raster calc + the previous LC file, which is all IGBP categories = a whole bunch of new values in your raster.Take this new raster, run simple stats on it (like with the LC toolbox) and there you have it: how many pixels of each probability category have a chance to become urban. an issue here: remember how this 0.05 deg LC file doesnt match up perfectly? well, the extant cities of course dont match up to class 13 in this LC file. so this is fucked without that real LC since I need class 13 of the previous LC file to align *exactly* with  the extant cities in guneralp’s data. So, again, come back to this. This will only really work if I get guneralp’s data or take all those HDFs > merge em all > resample to 0.05 deg > see if this resampling has the same extant-city LC as guneralp’s original shitty MODIS-sphere projection. if not, what the fuck!
      3. Overlay extant urban pixels, future urban pixels, and albedo data
      4. Urban probability pixels take on the values of what they overlap in the albedo file. but this already sucks; gdal_calc in batch mode won’t work if the extents are different. r.mapcalculator doesnt work. for some reason raster calculator in QGIS does it fine and doesn’t bitch about extents. but I can’t automate that. maybe it’s calling a different gdal??? use this? http://gdal-calculations.googlecode.com/svn-history/r55/trunk/lib/gdal_calculations/gdal_calculate.pyhttp://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/122581/using-qgsrastercalculator or call QGIS’s raster calc with python?set an albedo layer’s pixels to 0 with the raster calc, then take your urban % layer + that new empty layer, there, you have a new layer with the perfect extent. THEN you can batch process gdal_calc either from QGIS or command line. the layer is called “just for setting extent”. Remember: the albedo files are monthly averages 2001-2010.I think I need to mass-extract band 13 from the albedo files, otherwise this is going to take fucking forever and take all the room on my hard drivegdal_calc.py-A urban_100_new_extent.tif –A_band 1 -B albedo_test.tif –B_band 13 –calc=”(A+B)” –outfile=out2.tiff –type=“UInt16″^^^ this works, try to automate this somehow.Calcs with UInt16 outputs, set nodata to 0. There are no 0 albedo spots on earth, man. check the histos. Then you can batch em again on standard devs, plus and minus. But I need to know the prior LC so I can assign the correct albedo; notice how the albedo files have different bands? these tests only used class 13. you gotta match those to each prior LC; so you have to find the prior LC for each of the % chance rasters, then conditionally re-assign their pixel values to the matching band in the albedo file.Going to skip most of this part and start testing my assignments of the extant albedos to my %-chance pixels. extant + BSA DONE(A-10)+Bextant + WSA DONEextant BSA + std devextant WSA – std dev100% chance + BSA JUST TESTING THIS FOR APRIL BSA + WSA, THIS NEEDS ACTUAL ALBEDO VALUES FROM THE LC – DONE (A-5)+B100% chance + WSA DONE100% chance BSA + std dev100% chance WSA – std dev75-99% chance + BSA (A-4)+B75-99% chance + WSA75-99% chance BSA + std dev75-99% chance BSA – std dev50-75% chance + BSA (A-3)+B50-75% chance + WSA50-75% chance BSA + std dev50-75% chance BSA – std dev25-50% chance + BSA25-50% chance + WSA25-50% chance BSA + std dev25-50% chance WSA – std dev1-25% chance  + BSA1-25% chance + WSA1-25% chance BSA + std dev1-25% chance WSA – std devThat sorts out the before albedo; so you can say “for pixels with a 50-75% chance of becoming urban by 2030, the aggregate albedo change as they became urban was TK.” 
      5. % chance pixels take on the value of the nearestpixel in the “extant albedo” layer (can I do IDW or something too? what’s good when you know nothing except spatial auto = weak as hell?) well I’m coming up empty on doing this purely in raster, but it works if you convert everything to points first using “grid values to points” (SAGA tool in QGIS) vector in QGIS: http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/11377/how-to-join-attributes-from-nearest-point-in-qgis distance analysis with this method takes 10 mins just to calculate, then you have to join and change the ID values from strings to reals with the field calc, then back to raster? this sucks! it takes fucking forever!raster in QGIS: no idearaster in arcgis: old guy on SE says “I think you’ll have to convert [extant] to points anyway. Next step do euclidian allocation to these points. Con(~IsNull(“100%-chance-layer”),”allocation)). Use lookup to convert results into floats.” the Euclidian allocation tool seems to work, makes voronois, but takes 5 mins each, do it for both extant WSA and BSA, can script with ArcPy too http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/tool-reference/spatial-analyst/euclidean-allocation.htmThen do this in raster calc, put what you want to reassign in the middle, then the nearest-neighbor albedo fill that you just generated outside: Con(~IsNull(“reassign test\100_chance_wsa_Apr.tif”),”reassign test\ws_apr.tif”) This gets you the WSA and BSA of the extant cities re-assigned to the 100%-chance pixels.Record change in the % chance pixels as they change, can do this in QGIS
      6. Okay, assignment happens with Euclidan allocation, now to actually calculate the forcing. Forcing has 3 terms: WSA/BSA albedo from IGBP dataset (assigned to the pixels for extant, 100%, 75%, etc), kernels from shell, then the fraction from MERRA Forcing.  Delta WSA * change in kernel + delta BSA * change in kernel. Shell’s 3-deg kernels aren’t separated into white- and black-sky, but  Mutlu’s MERRA reanalysis data separates white-sky and black-sky albedo. coarse but doesn’t matter, includes relative fractions of direct vs. diffuse insolation (interacting with atmo vs. no atmo impact, i.e. white-sky vs. black-sky). includes direct (BSA) map and diffuse (WSA) map, and every pixel has 12 values (1 per month, so pick #4 for april since that’s what we’re testing here). numbers range from 0-100, remember they’re fractions that need to be multiplied by…something, the kernels? those merra things from mutlu: band 4 from diffuse + band 4 from direct = 1. remember, they’re fractions. They’re 32-bit data with stupid cell sizes. may have to resample.Shell’s kernels: albedo_sw_monthly.nc is total-sky (I guess white sky?), 12 files one per month, but its extents are all fucked and it aint aligned. UGH I dont know why it only works this way but: get the netcdf into QGIS by dragging > right click save as a tiff, no translate or nothin, then do the below warp on itgdalwarp –config CENTER_LONG 0 -overwrite -t_srs “+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs” -wo SOURCE_EXTRA=1000 -of GTiff “/Users/traveler/Dropbox/school stuff/766/doing thesis/outputs/getting shell kernels out of netCDF/april_to_tiff_WSA_kernel.tif” “/Users/traveler/Dropbox/school stuff/766/doing thesis/outputs/getting shell kernels out of netCDF/april_to_tiff_recentering_2.tif”  gets it into the right centeringyields 1.25deg resolution, do “file + just_to_set_extent” in raster calc to match resolution and extents to other data; now it’s resampled to match the albedo data. has nodata along top, right, bottom, but shouldnt mess with stuff too bad. instead of the raster calc trick, I should be able to resample and set extents with gdal_translate or gdal_warp right??? oh wellgdalinfo NETCDF:/Users/traveler/Dropbox/school\ stuff/766/doing\ thesis/data/CAM\ kernels\ from\ Shell\ 2008/albedo_sw_monthly.nc:monkernel well monkernel is the sub-dataset, but it cant directly access bands from here with another colon. dunno how to dig deeper, the documentation says to use gdal_translate but guh??she says “The unit in the albedo file is wrong [gdalinfo for the .nc file says W/m&2/K] . It should be w/m^2/(0.01 increase in fractional albedo). That is, the kernel corresponds to an increase of 0.01 in the albedo (though it maxes out a 1).” So “watts per square meter per 0.01 increase in albedo.” area x change = total change in RF. which makes total sense, they’re all negative values; “over this pixel, dropping albedo by 0.01 means a -1.whatever change in watts per square meter of RF.” I guess since the kernels describe the change in forcing per unit change of albedo, this method doesn’t need insolation/SSRD. But then again since it’s only changes, it doesnt make for absolutes. Zhai 2014 says for absolutes you need SSRD/insolation.where do mutlu’s fractions come in? let’s talk through what I have, using april data and 100%-chance expansion pixels only WSA for 100%-chance land before it changesBSA for 100%-chance land before it changesWSA for 100%-chance land after it changes in like 30 yearsBSA for 100%-chance land after it changes in like 30 years why the hell did I do extant albedo? I guess I need that for current forcing, but I dunno how to even calculate that since I need insolation apparently!and what the fucking cock was I talking about with “change in kernel,” the kernel values dont change!Okay the expansionprobability pixels have changes in albedo since they went from previous LC > urban, class 13 albedo. I mean theoretically, I still haven’t generated/received the previous LC map yet. ANYWAY those have changes, and changes are good shit. (((Δ WSAx fraction WSA)x WSA kernel )+ ((Δ BSAx fraction BSA)x BSA kernel))) x total area = forcing change as all that stuff moves from previous LC to urban. I think this might be it!Ghimire: monthly forcing = (Δmonthly WSA x shell’s WSA kernel) + (Δmonthly BSA x shell’s BSA kernel) he didn’t do fractions, should I?unit shuffle: the kernel is watts/sq meter/0.01 increase in fractional albedo. That is, the kernel corresponds to an increase of 0.01 in the albedo. So “watts per square meter per 0.01 increase in albedo.” does that even apply to decreasing albedo?since the fractions are spatial: make a ΔWSA and a ΔBSA calc, multiply by 0.001 since that’s the albedo scale factor. i guess we’re back to 32 bit floatsthen multiply THOSE by the the fraction WSA and fraction BSAthen, finally, multiply those by the kernel data to see what each Δ in albedo means for RF. albedo goes down, yields a negative value. negative value * neg kernel value = a positive forcing effect, since low albedo means that many more watts/sq meter getting absorbed?albedo goes up, yields a positive value. positive value * neg kernel value = negative forcing effect, since high albedo means more watts/sq meter getting reflected?Used “raster layer statistics” in toolbox to sum them, cumbersome but works, py can definitely do this. as in all things, the histos might be more interesting than the sums; the albedo*kernel files show whether, on balance, there’s more positive or negative forcing well there’s a lot on either side of zero, with the vast majority not increasing or decreasing much at all. duh. not a lot of fat tailsWSA sum for april: 6.42119546358BSA sum for april: 12.6113679784whole lot more black sky according to the WSA/BSA fraction histos, who knew? why is that?? what the hell is black sky albedo???that yields 19.03256344 for total change in forcing per square meter, over the entire earth’s worth of 100%-chance urban land, for April. dividing that by the number of 100%-chance-to-become-urban pixels, 24,588, yields 0.000774 bump in RF per cell. fucking tiny. but, you know, that makes sense since 1) urban land area is tiny in general 2) ghimire says it took 305 years of anthro LC change to get a watts/m^2 drop of -0.16. so this is a drop in a bucket of a drop in a bucket. hahaha this result SUCKS but hey, you knew it’d be small stuffAfter that you have to calculate how much area you have covered by those pixels. they’re in geographic coordinates; converting to something with meters necessarily changes the number of cells; that’s not good. I guess it wont really matter if you reproject it the same way each time? So going to do it with world sinusoidal, seems simple enough “+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs” so that has 20,721 pixels, each pixel 5,564.11m on a side, or 30,959,320.0921 square meters. that’s 641,508,071,628.404 square meters total in the 100%-chance-of-becoming-urban class, or 641,508 sq km, or 247,687 square miles. that’s reasonable compared to the 1.2m square kilometers of TOTAL “any chance at all” land reported by Seto 2012.

    D-fense – monday morning 

    • Rob: monday May 2 or weds May 4
    • Mutlu: monday May 2 before 3:30, 12:30-3pm
    • Annemarie: monday May 2

    March 25 – friday morning meet with Mutlu

    April 18 – draft due to Mutlu

    May 2 – defense

    Arc time

    • I dont have enough space on bootcamp to get all 40 gigs worth of data uncompressed. so lets try it and then do it on a lab computer. or get an external HDD? might be hella slow…
    • albedo data files need headers, theyre in the FTP
    • use snap raster in environment settings > processing extent > snap raster to get things aligned. to do so in QGIS: http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/159525/rasterization-of-point-vector-in-qgis-how-to-align-the-resulting-raster-to-an-e?rq=1
    • need to throw out any pixels that went from water > urban since the MODIS LC stuff isnt perfectly coincident? man coastal cities get totally screwed in this analysis, they dont have before-LC. i mean naturally guneralp’s data wont be perfectly co-incident with MODIS right? different datasets? but cmon man its in MODIS-SPHERE while actual MODIS data is in some goofed up clarkes whatever the fuck ellipsoid? what the hell!
    • okay guneralp and seto got their just raw coastlines and pixel arrangement from schneider et al, right?
      • this 11 year old thread makes it seem like its a mistake and nobody uses that stupid ass clarkes sphere? http://forums.esri.com/Thread.asp?c=93&f=984&t=152042
      • i mean I could nibble out all water, but is that defensible?
    • D-MODIS sphere is guneralp’s datum? what the hell is that?
      • WGS spheroid \/
      • 6378137  ,  298.257223563
      • 6378206.4, 294.9786982138982,
      • clarke spheroid /\ EPSG 4008
    • schneiders original 500m LC map resampled to 0.05 deg with nearest neighbor is definitely more generous
    • what guneralp said:
      • All data used in Goode’s Homolosine Equal-Area , spatial resolution of the maps is 5 km.  Year 2000 urban map is (MODIS) land-cover  product v5, resample the global urban land-cover map to 5-km resolution  from its native resolution of 463 m. So you can get what they used, MCD12Q1.051, from http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/
      • Global forecasts of urban expansion to 2030 and direct impacts on biodiversity and carbon pools but they’re all chunked up so you’d have to download, mosaic, reproject. I think it’s 28 gigs… schneiders 500m LC map: they did it themselves from a shitload of raw modis data; maybe their  http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/4/4/044003/fulltext/MCD12C1.051 is 0.05 deg, which matches our current resolution, but doesnt match up to land/water that guneralp used. They apparently grabbed the 500m then resampled + reprojected to goode’s homolosine equal area. https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/dataset_discovery/modis/modis_products_table/mcd12c1
      • ignore: Land cover: We convert the VMAP0 vector-based land cover  product (19) to raster, reprojected it to Goode’s Homolosine, and  resample to 5 km. The reason we use VMAP0 product instead of  MODIS v5 as we did for urban extent is that URBANMOD requires  the initial data of the land cover to be simulated to be colocated  with data from the driver maps. Although the initial urban extent  map overlays with the other three driver maps, this would  not be the case for the land cover driver map had we used MODIS  v5 product to create it.

    pass for earthdata: Radartime1!

    The Plan

    1. I have 0.05 degree snow-free shortwave black-sky and white-sky albedo for all IGBP land cover categories, in monthly means (Jan, Feb, March etc.) and standard deviations for each month. Do all analyses month-by-month.
      • okay first get all the data aligned, i dont know where this 0.49 deg bullshit came up but everything needs to be in WGS84 and 0.05 deg res. Going to try this in arc, see how far it goes. NOTE: this snaps well.
    2. Take the albedo data’s class 13 (urban/built-up) white-sky and black-sky albedos, assign them to currently-urban pixels found in Guneralp’s 0.05 degree “where cities are now and where they will be in 2030” data (Guneralp’s currently-urban pixels are derived from Schneider 2009, just resampled to 0.05 degrees).
    3. Now we have white-sky and black-sky albedos for all existing cities.
    4. Assign current albedos to “likely to become urban by 2030” pixels; the pixel values range from 1%-100% probability of becoming urban.
      • 5 categories: 1-25%, 25-50%, 50-75%, 75-99%, 100%
      • Most of these high-likelihood (100% chance) pixels touch current urban areas, so can use nearest neighbor to assign the albedos of current urban areas to the new pixels. The literature says that the “spreading pancake” model of urban development explains a good portion of expansion patterns, so the albedo values should stay pretty consistent on the edges of urban expansion.
      • Can tweak the assigned albedo values using the standard deviations for the currently-urban pixels.
    5. These “likely to become urban by 2030” pixels also have their own a) current land cover categories and b) current albedo values.
    6. Calculate change in forcing from all this albedo change
      • Forcing = change in white-sky albedo * change in kernel + change in black-sky albedo * change in kernel. Shell’s 3 degree kernels aren’t separated into white- and black-sky, but I have it written down from a previous meeting to “use Ghimire’s 2.5 degree data with ‘share white-sky albedo’ and ‘share black-sky albedo’ for every spot on earth, multiply those fractions by Shell’s kernels.” Did you have Ghimire’s data somewhere? I emailed him last year but didn’t get real far… this has 12 months of data, so keep everything monthly? Or another annual average? 
    7. Deliverables:
      • Uncertainty estimates? what’s a good way to go about this? +/- 1 standard dev GOOD
      • Table with which “before” land cover classes will switch to urban/built-up by 2030? GOOD
      • Table with “before” albedos and “after” albedos? GOOD
      • Range of radiative forcing change? youd get 1 global value with +/- uncertainty around it (expansion will cause tk watts of RF)
      • Maps- means, variations, uncertainty

    mutlu meeting from India:

    • do everything by month. but final results will include annual averages of all this shit.
    • remember to +/- 1 standard deviations for all these!
    • for guneralp’s likely-urban pixels: use different probability thresholds, this could be 25%, 50%, hell any arbitrary numbers. we want to have a lot of stuff for the final tables; we’re tweaking a lot of variables. fuzzy! so pick a few/do it continuously even. if you figure that shit out.
    • kernels: he has MERRA reanalysis data, mix of climate models and observation, separates white-sky and black-sky albedo. coarse but doesn’t matter, includes relative fractions of direct vs. diffuse insolation (interacting with atmo vs. no atmo impact). came up with direct & diffuse fraction for each month; direct (BSA) map and diffuse (WSA) map, and every pixel has 12 values (1 per month). numbers range from 0-100. instead of ghimire, use this. these are only fractions! also remember to do +/- 1 standard deviation.
      • forcing has 3 terms: white/black sky albedo from IGBP dataset, kernels from shell, fraction from MERRA
    • get all the data, generate bunch of results with these, remember all your scenarios.

    Questions for mutlu

    Latest meeting

    1. reclassify ca. 2001 urban extent data

    • current schema: Global Urban Extent (class 13), including land (class 1) and water (class 0). Also global IGBP Land Cover Map (classes 1-17), including urban extent (class 13) . so it matches up to IGBP
      • actually do we need to do this? The albedo data is 0.05 deg, the predicted urban extent data is 0.05 deg, which includes extant urban areas at 0.05 deg derived from Schneider 2001. so why tf would I bother with Schneider 2001?

    2. intersect with new albedo dataset with IGBP categories – really we’re forgetting about the actual albedo measurements. This has it already baked in.

    • separated out guneralp 101 pixels (extant 2001 urban areas per Schneider 2009) with raster calc, then converted to 16bit signed to match the bsa shortwave april data, then raster calcd like so: guneralp*0 + albedo_band_13 (since 13 is the urban one), then you get a 32 bit tiff with albedos assigned to the extant city pixels.
      • next up average all WSA and BSA files? (“hierarchical_albedo_igbp_0.05.bsa_shortwave.Jan@13″ +”hierarchical_albedo_igbp_0.05.bsa_shortwave.Feb@13″ +”hierarchical_albedo_igbp_0.05.bsa_shortwave.Mar@13″ +”hierarchical_albedo_igbp_0.05.bsa_shortwave.Apr@13″ +”hierarchical_albedo_igbp_0.05.bsa_shortwave.May@13″ +”hierarchical_albedo_igbp_0.05.bsa_shortwave.Jun@13″ +”hierarchical_albedo_igbp_0.05.bsa_shortwave.Jul@13″ +”hierarchical_albedo_igbp_0.05.bsa_shortwave.Aug@13″ +”hierarchical_albedo_igbp_0.05.bsa_shortwave.Sep@13″ +”hierarchical_albedo_igbp_0.05.bsa_shortwave.Oct@13″ +”hierarchical_albedo_igbp_0.05.bsa_shortwave.Nov@13″ +”hierarchical_albedo_igbp_0.05.bsa_shortwave.Dec@13”) / 12 works, but is that the correct way of doing this?use the std dev somehow? I have no ideaassign potential-expansion pixels took guneralp original, saved out 100-class, now have certain-expansion pixels and extant-city pixels with albedo values. how to assign the current albedo values to their new neighbors?gdal_calc.py doesnt fucking work, throws an “image not found” error

    3. figure out how to assign new albedo values! GIS problem, requires lit review and a defensible method

    • 2/11 – chat with Zhu
      • well, you’re making a shitload of assumptions, so the best hting to do would just go by spatial autocorrelation. try tobler’s ’72 paper and the 2004 AAG conference proceedings; they even had a paper on urban settings. you can reason this out instead of citing; really the new urban pixels is of similar cover to the stuff before it (tk cite) and thus you can just average the adjacent already-urban stuff.
      • two pixels over and up from the new unknown one, weight the closer ones more than the far, assign the average to the new pixel.
      • “connectivity analysis” to determine which are closest and which are far
      • so now, according to mutlu, just test it out; assigning the stuff shouldnt be that hard. you have the data; try a test run.
    • there’s new albedo data IGBP LC cover categories, includes 13 urban land; so it has monthly avg albedo composites. so a single value instead of having to average 10 years worth of data. 2000-2010, same as before, we’re using this, no GEE needed!
    • take schneider ca. 2001 urban LC map
      • reclassify it to 0-1, 13 goes to 1, everything else goes to 0
      • downsample to 0.05deg resolution (appx 5km as guneralp) “MODIS does not use the “Normal Sphere (r=6370997) but 6371007.181” same as schneider, same as all MODIS shitalso guneralp’s “existing urban areas” are taken from schneider anyway?
      • GDAL warp -tr 0.05 0.05, EPSG4326 input and output srs, -r average, -ot float 32 bit
    • get Seto-guneralp data into same config as schneider – https://web.archive.org/web/20141110212613/http://bguneralp.tamu.edu/ the real download site got killed but its still up here
      • for some idiotic reason it came as “+proj=longlat +a=6371007 +b=0 +no_defs”. used “gdal_translate -a_nodata 255 -a_srs “+proj=igh +R=6371007 +no_defs”” on the goode-homolosine data they provided, this just assigns it the correct projection. Then warped to WGS84 while keeping the nodata value, nearest neighbor resampling.
      • so the workflow: dump ESRI GRID folder into QGIS > save as a TIFF > assign its bad SRS to it with translate > convert to WGS84 with warp
      • using nearest neighbor when you convert to WGS84 is most conservative, but leaves a lot of shit uncovered; that notch in chicago for a lot of nodata over japan. can use other resampling methods but then you’re just introducing error.
      • since schneider comes in goodes too (albeit of course with fucked up projection info on the .bip, what the hell), pulling the exact same -a_srs trick except with 6371007.181 on the schneider bip and overlaying with the properly-assigned-projection guneralp data yields much better alignment on chicago and japan; basically no processing here except assigning the correct projection. so goode + goode makes a right, but that leaves the albedo data i’d have to reproject…if i can get guneralp to cough up a WGS84, would make my life hella easier. asked him.
    • then intersect with the new albedo dataset, (its in WGS84), do it for all 12 months, at BSA and WSA. so 24 times total. at the very end, you’d have 24 values: observed monthly BSA, observed monthly WSA
    • now intersect with guneralp map, which dictates where NEW urban pixels will appear. but how do we assign new albedo values to these pixels? nearest neighbor? average? what’s a defensible GIS method of assigning new values to neighboring pixels? Something that makes sense in terms of land cover change. Guneralp could have a method? Predictive land cover change?
      • get averages + std devs for contiguous currently-urban pixels. then generate new maps where you have diff methods of assigning new albedo values: mean assigned to new value+std dev assigned to new values-std dev assigned to new valuesalso do it randomly! contiguous urban pixel albedos, grab an albedo value out of a hat, assign it to the new pixel.
    • after that’s done you have a future albedo map. also know the albedo CHANGE of each pixel since that new albedo dataset has BSA + WSA albedo values for every single pixel and LC type! which is great since you know the OLD LC type and can say “eat into forest, tk albedo change, eat into desert, tk albedo change”
    • forcing = change in WS albedo * change in kernel + change in BS albedo * change in kernel. but shell’s kernels aren’t separated into WSA and BSA.
    • Ghimire used a coarse 2.5deg reanalysis dataset that has “share WSA” and “share BSA” for every spot on earth; take shell’s kernels and multiply by those WSA and BSA fractions.  this has 12 months of data, so keep everything monthly 
    • repeat this with ANOTHER set of kernels, the one shell linked to but 404’d; Mutlu has these, so you can get em when the time comes

    latest meeting:

    white-sky modis albedo differences t1 – white-sky modis albedo differences t2

    same thing for black-sky MODIS albedo

    total sky = white sky = includes atmo effects

    clear sky = black sky = removes atmo effects

    negative values for all these files means that surface albedo in that area

    -maybe a positive absorbs energy

    -negative values = more reflection of energy back into space

    -get the albedo differences between date1=2000 and date2=2010, just use GEE

    -jan 2000 jan 2010, feb 2000 feb 2010

    -earlier – later or later – earlier? check ghimire

    -use GEE, then mask out the ca. 2000 urban extent 

    -annemarie might have 2010 extent, i know i can get 2000. ask annemarie for year 2000 again


    • 2030 city extent predictions are 5km res, coarse, is that still valid?
      • if the RF signal from albedo is totally lost at the global level, you could do it on a smaller scale.
      • radloff has 2100-growth proj for urban areas in the US only
      • just concentrate on current cities, see the current spatial variation over the current urban extent
    • also my solar radiation data is 14km res (0.125 deg), so does it matter if I use 1km albedo data instead of 500m? because 1km albedo is already loaded in google earth engine and thats waaay easier
      • insolation data can be coarse. climatology = you averaged all julys.
      • 500m preferred for mapmaking; can you email simon ____ to ask if he can ingest 500m?
      • but you can use the 1km to get the WSA and BSA coefficients as a start, let’s test with that. scale up with 500m. do even more in GEE: test it on a small area of ca. 2000 extent. one of the climate data sets in GEE has solar radiation, too.
      • fuck the SSRD, just use the 3×3 deg kernels
    • white and black sky albedo is bewildering me; zhai 2014 used white sky for “Radiative forcing over China due to albedo change caused by land cover change during 1990–2010”
      • Ghimire 2014, crystal schaaf if the colleague. write barden ghimire, tell him youre trying to calculate some RF,  we’re trying to use radia
      • try kernel approach. they used Shell et al paper; i cant figure out how you derived those from shell. “how do you get those coefficients used in the radiative kernels, Kws and Kbs? are they spatial or constant?” if you get those, you may be able to skip the insolation step. he sent me to http://people.oregonstate.edu/~shellk/kernel.html, downloaded CAM kernels (community atmo model),  CDO usage in terminal: /Users/traveler/Applications/CDO/bin/cdo <operator> <input name> <output name>, also check the documentation has water vapor, surface temp, CO2, albedo, and planck? what’s planck?the kernels seem to be in daily steps stedda monthly, likely a mistake. changed with settaxis to monthly.3×3 deg data, clear sky and cloudy-sky albedo. dunno if its white or black sky tho???”The unit in the albedo file is wrong. It should be w/m^2/(0.01 increase in fractional albedo). That is, the kernel corresponds to an increase of 0.01 in the albedo (though it maxes out a 1).”Shell sez: CAM3_albedo_sw_kernel.nc and CAM3_albedo_sw_clr_kernel.nc are effects of surface albedo on total-sky and clear-sky albedosand each includes both diffuse and direct effects (black and white sky, shortwave and longwave)just download 2000-2010 BS and WS albedo, 1km data on GEE, do jan 2010-jan 2000, feb 2010-feb 2000 etc, mask over with ca. 2001 urban extents
      • PV paper assumes a constant “shortwave radiation absorbed by atmo;” we think shell et al 2008 and thus ghimire 2014 had a spatially-varying term.
      • if this goes nowhere, THEN continue with ECMWF data.
    • let’s make this work over one pixel. 2000 albedo is .1, 2010 albedo is .5, what’s the RF change? if we can get the equation to work, then we can scale it up.
    • global urban now
    • global urban then
    • expansion of forcing data

    The plan so far

    • not going to worry about maxent so far: just do the albedo part
    • ca. 2000 city extent = 500m need from annemaries
    • ca. 2030 city extent = 5km in hand
    • albedo = 500m/1km can grab manually at 500m, what a drag, or GEE has 1km loaded already
    • radiative kernels = 3deg resolution coarse as hell
    • SSRD = 0.125 deg/14km at equator. zhai used 0.75 deg, so who cares (0.75 GRIB data is just as much of a pain in the ass as netCDF, so lets go higher res)
    • Overlay on top of current urban extent: Schneider’s ca. 2000 map
      • schneider might have an updated one, he’ll ask
      • seto/guneralp is at 5km res
    • Now you have current urban albedos. then take as much SSRD data as you have, do the same thing: 3 junes, 3 augusts, etc, etc. Take means and std. devs.
      • python time!
    • Overlay insolation on top of that.
      • check resolutions of all these
    • Using your good-as-hell defensible RF equation + your albedo measurements + your insolation, you can get RF. Bam, current RF.
    • Do all that shit above for guneralp’s 2030 map
    • there, take the difference, see how much less/more you get. voila!

    other nuts and bolts

    • committee is mutlu, annemarie, rob or jack williams. ask rob first
    • need to gather your committee at some point and show them something good
    • For methods: check Zhai 2014, Schwaab 2014
    • http://ibis.colostate.edu/WebContent/WS/ColoradoView/TutorialsDownloads/A_Maxent_Model_v7.pdf maxent tutorial, has thresholding and converting ASCII to raster in arcgis
    • uhh do i need to care about GDP and pop increases?
    • how to restrict MaxEnt output to not go crazy?
    • per Allison Thieme: make sure everything’s in ASCII grid, each run gets its own folder cuz MaxEnt tries to grab everything thats in the directory.
    • high albedo = more radiation thrown back into the damn emptiness of space
    • in Zhai 2014: RF change = negative SSRD * (albedo date 2 – albedo date 1). so a drop in albedo gets you a positive RF, a rise in albedo gets you a negative RF. if you just do it for one date, e. g. http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/climatescience/atmosphericwarming/climatsensitivity.html, you do something different: ΔF = (1 – α)Save – εσTP^4 α = Earth’s albedo. a higher figure means you destroy more of the Save term, lowering the whole end of that equation Save = average solar energy flux, 342 W·m–2 ε = effective emissivity of the planetary system σ = Stefan-Boltzmann constant TP = average planetary surface temperature. If ΔF is zero, the energies are balanced, no warming or cooling. 
    • And according to: http://my.net-link.net/~malexan/Climate-Model.htmInsolation (energy absorbed at earth’s surface) = 1/4 * solar constant * (1 – albedo) solar constant = 1370 watts per square meter, which is hella much more than SSRD, so what gives?
    1. have SSRD netCDF data
      1. get it for a full day: synoptic monthly means, time 0 and 12, add them together for each month”you can calculate the monthly means of daily forecast accumulations (for step 12) by adding together the synoptic monthly means at time 00, step 12 and time 12, step 12.”
      2. process to 3-year average of all that monthly shit
      3. convert each band to tiff, raster calculator works, but you get negative values. how to relate the two I have no idea
    2. grab albedo data
      1. process to same timeframe
    3. extract ca. 2000 urban extents
    4. use that as a mask on albedo and SSRD
    5. there, RF for 2000.

    Calculating 1/2001 to 12/2002 mean SSRD:

    (“netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@1″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@2″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@3″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@4″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@5″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@6″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@7″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@8″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@9″+ ” netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@10″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@11″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@12″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@13″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@14″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@15″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@16″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@17″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@18″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@19″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@21″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@22″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@23″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@24″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@25″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@26″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@27″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@28″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@29″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@30″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@31″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@32″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@33″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@34″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@35″+ “netcdf-atls00-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-PYotfi@36”) / 36


    • for MaxEnt: masking is important, try it on ONE urban area first, like in the uS before you go around the whole damn world.
    • for RF calc: you dont need a climate model or any of that shit; you’re only interested in incoming solar radiation for that pixel; january, feb, same temporal span as your albedo MODIS, perturbed by a random value so you get variacne in there; cloudy, sunny, anything in between. use SSRD: Zhai 2014 used european SSRD http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/interim-full-daily/  doesnt need insanely high temporal res or land-air-water interactions.
    1. Measure the albedo-linked RF from existing global urban areas; this is a GIS and modeling operation, basically.
    • Download current albedo data: both Aqua + Terra Albedo 16-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg Climate Model Grid, 1/2000 to 1/2000, monthly data, processed to a 3-year average using both white sky albedo (includes contributions from atmospheric scattering) and black sky albedo (excludes those)
    • Apply over 2010 urban extent data: any MODIS albedo pixel that isn’t over one of these pixels aint an urban albedo value and can be discarded
    • converting this albedo to radiative forcing, now that’s a challenge. That involves a radiation and atmospheric model like Goddard Earth Observing System Model, Version 5, which incorporates incoming radiation + weather + land cover that you give it. An alternative would be to use “radiative kernels,” but I’ve read three descriptions and skimmed two papers and still couldn’t tell you exactly what it is.
    1. Adapt the MaxEnt SDM to predict future urban expansion out to 2030 over a limited, area and if that works, extend it to the world. I don’t know how to get it to 2030 specifically, this is only a “potential” map.
      • Gather spatial data
    • Try it globally: used inputs from current gold standard, seto et al 2012
      1. Current city extent: 2010 500m MODIS global urban land cover, Schneider et al 2014
      2. Land cover: here’s water, where cities cant go, 500m global MODIS land cover
      3. Population density over every damn inch of the world: Gridded Population of the World, version 3 (GPWv3), 2010, 5km res
      4. Elevation and slope, because cities cant climb mountains, use to make a mask of where they cant go (big elevation differential between cells, threshold tbd): 90m Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Digital Elevation Model and 1km Global Land One-kilometer Base Elevation (GLOBE) Digital Elevation Model
      5. Roads: VMAP0 from NGA, 1:1m scale
    • Try it regionally
      1. Here’s where cities are now: % impervious USGS, 100% impervious as threshold
      2. Land cover: NLCD 2011 land cover, here’s water, where cities cant go, 30m res
      3. Population density: U.S. Census Grid, 2000 population, 1km res by Center for International Earth Science Information Network
      4. Elevation and slope: NED 10m/ 1/3 arc second DEM
      5. Roads: TIGER/LINE from U.S. census bureau
    • Feed into MaxEnt
      • Convert all city raster points to single lat/longs, which isn’t hard
      • Convert all “predictors”, the inputs, into .asc grid format
      • Mask out areas that have absurd elevation differences
      • Restrict outputs to contiguous pixels, since cities cant leapfrog. Do this before or after, preferably before but I’ll have to figure out how to do that
      • Threshold it to only output where its like 99.999% sure it can go because I’ve seen the outputs and they can get kinda, uh, generous
      • Might have to learn some simple scripting to get this to run multiple times without pointy clicky
    1. Measure future albedo-linked RF resulting from expansion of global urban areas.
      • Compare the output to gold standard prediction map, see if its wildly different in degree of expansion
      • After the U.S. or global maxent output is done, take the tippy-top highest values, overlay over current 2000 urban areas, and do the modeling from step one this map. There, you have new RF values generated from MaxEnt, two firsts man! (lotta uncertainty here; why would the albedo of old be the albedo of the new? density? uhh set that aside)

    Actually writing thesis

    1. Introduction
      1. research question and significance – main goal is RF and albedo feedback. emissions accounted, surface albedo not so much whast the global impact? water quality, heat island, health effects.IPCC albedo change RF doesnt include urban areaslocal-scale effects with albedo UHI, health, green roofs and that nonsense
      2. existing work, how this differs. 1-2 sentences on what they did.
      3. what’s the gap in our knowledge (local scale is here, global is missing, and there’s gonna be lots of this)
      4. overview of what I did; this is global, not local, and new methods here.
    2. Literature review
      1. anthropogenic surface albedo change ghimire and soden
      2. albedo change and RF
      3. albedo change as remedy
      4. Gao – MODIS albedo product did it at 0.05
    3. Methods
      1. Data – describe each one. took seto and guneralp, schneider 2001, reprojected both to WGS84the albedo dataset; describe its provenance and how they did it
      2. methodology have the flow chart
      3. science behind calculation
    4. Results
    5. Discussion
    6. Conclusion
    7. Works cited
  • ML has killed “looks okay from arm’s length” cartography

    On Friday Jan 12 2024, I saw this post on my fav sosh network and I knew: in the very near future maps will be either would-give-a-scriptorium-monk-a-headache detailed, or total tossed-off dreck.

    There will be no middle ground.

    Now the computer could make 1) nav maps 2) alright-at-range decor maps 3) biz dashboard maps; that covers 99.999% of map use. You no longer needed a mapmaker to make a map that the median person might use or buy.

    What’s left over: sumptuous baroque craft, the domain of obsessives. Cartography’s ne plus ultra was coming, and I hoped to see it in my lifetime.

  • When Danielle Baskin took a romanesco broccoli to the 3D printing conf…


    Baskin is my fav commercial artist/artistic merchant, in 2019 she gave me advice on selling glowing maps and I got to see her garage-apartment-studio out of which she sold:

    1. Pluto tapestries (New Horizons composite) run off an enormous printer
    2. Stunning hand-painted bicycle helmets; landscapes!
    3. Corpo-branded fruit for event giveaways; tech company logo on a mango? So much better than a tee
    4. Dialup, a Bloomberg Beta-funded app that called you a few times a day with “a random stranger wants to talk to you on the phone.” That’s it. No avatars, no DMs. Lotta lonely olds. I loved it, the first social network that nerfed hot people. And only one guy wanted to tell me about his impending suicide.
      • Also she wrote a thread with the gist of “Video calls suck ass, what was wrong with the conference call?” and she’s 100% right. Camera off for life
  • The American hospital: trying to heal in someone’s workplace

    They’re at work right now.

    That’s your mantra when taking care of someone while they’re admitted to an American hospital.

    They’re at work right now.

    Those five words, if you can remember to invoke them through bitter tears of frustration, will grant you some patience and empathy with the people at work right now. Yes, this sucks, but they’re at work right now.

    Did you ever see a spectacular foul-up by your coworker, but never tell a soul, because “well the custie doesn’t work here, I gotta spend 40% of my life with [coworker]?

    You ever see a whole bunch of useless typing at your job?

    You ever see someone work a job they hated just to keep their family in a nice place?

    You ever pull off a heroic feat of continuous attention to make sure your coworker’s day wasn’t totally ruined?

    They’re at work right now.

    Medicine is, first, a workplace. A workplace like any other. In America most workplaces are miserable places for the color temp alone.

    The hospital is an especially miserable workplace: at the sharp end it’s a lot of underslept malnourished-but-sugary-blood people (Americans) having a terrible day, cared for by a lot of people at work packing their holes with gauze and wiping down their poop-smeared weakened bodies and then sitting in a bad chair and typing in tiny text fields and swatting away ten thousand dialogs on a balky Windows box.

    Medicine is a huge, enormous, colossal, brobdingnagian workplace. Healthcare comprises 1/5 of U.S. GDP, a total churn of buying and selling tallied at four trillion dollars. 15 million people, about the population of Holland, work in Medicine.


    Hospitals are very, very hard business to run, but they make a lot of money. They make a good portion of that “lot of money” by caring for old people.

    Knocking on Heaven’s Door by journalist Katy Butler (she saw everything but the macro stuff firsthand, so this is one of like four modern nonfics I trust)

    They’re at work right now.

    Everyone in the building is at work. Sometimes nothing more, a comforting proportion nothing less, but still: they’re at work right now.

    So act accordingly; you’re in someone’s workplace:

    1. Be in a great mood, speak directly and concisely about what you want from the masked gowned caffed-up (adderal’d?) person at work in a hyper-air-conditioned windowless medical space station. Keep it simple and short and act as if you are very happy to see them, because they’re not allowed to let your charge leave without punching the right stuff in the right text fields. Be pleasant.
    2. “Closed mouth don’t get fed,” be a cheerful pain in the ass; YOU are in a freezing room with your sad gramma running on zero hours sleep but they’re at work right now. “Oh yeah, room 215B, I was texting my friend, my bad, here’s your chux.”
    3. Get hit with a dumb rule? No backtalk, just ignore. Hospital staff learn quickly that to do their job they must enthusiastically agree to rules (liability…) and then ignore them. Break rules out of eyeline, when caught say “sorry I forgot this has just been so hard,” repeat, as long as you’re not being a deliberate ████ it’s hard to get expelled.
    4. Ask someone with a keycard on a lanyard, preferably the attending/hospitalist, to walk you through the EHR log. They answer to The Log, so understand what’s in The Log and speak to them in terms of The Log, because you don’t sign their paycheck, The Log does. “Hey can you show me the EHR for [loved one]?”
    5. Do not leave your charge in the hospital alone overnight. Someone needs to be on that hard little couch to intercept the 5am blood presh check; ask “can you please come back later?” and they will leave. Sleep, the limiting reagent for healing, is very hard to come by in a hospital.
    6. Minimize contact with Medicine. The Christian Scientists on my dad’s side died 10 to 20 years earlier for their beliefs; they were at least directionally right.
    7. For you, try not to end up in Medicine’s clutches if you can help it: whole old fresh foods, move around, get sun, get sleep, ████ █ ███ .
  • More men makes eldercare easier

    Men, and women who needed men, often die old and enfeebled. Good male help helps.

    • Family/hired help/medical workers/social workers doing eldercare for my gramma and grandpa by sex:
      • Men: 23%, n=7.
      • Women: 77%, n=23.
    • 92 year old widow (source: gramma) used to living with men and being steered around by them. Gramma was married 72 years to the same man who she really liked. He managed day-to-day affairs, where she’d eat dinner, where she’d drive that day etc. A man’s voice is the first thing she is used to hearing on waking, and the last thing she hears before sleeping. A man badgering her about hydration and shuffling her along for walks and asswipe duties helps.
    • 93 year old men (source: grandpa) haven’t hung out with their buds in nine years, because the buds are dead. All of them. Guys he played poker with (the wives played mahjong) for ten years he just, one day, never saw again. And he never got new card guys. His only source of “social” sensory input: headphones delivering noises from the television. An old man could use male company, a man to speak simply and male-ly right in the hearing aid, and do asswipe duties.
    • Pitches:
      • Perma WFH makes eldercare way easier, always avail to wipe grampa’s ass.
      • 5x salary bump if you can pass a fitness test: hauling enfeebled 160lb grandpa around was hard, I’m 5’10 170 and it was barely within my abilities to lift him around, prevent falls etc., full-grown people are heavy.

  • Podcasting tips

    30 eps of Very Expensive Maps later, I’ve learned:

    1. It’s almost free. Your phone has a great mic, and if you have an Apple laptop, your computer has a great mic. You can record with free teleconf services like Jitsi/Google Meet/Zoom. The only real cost is time spent editing waveforms in (free) Audacity, though services like reduct.video, Descript and Audiate let you edit-by-transcript. You don’t even need to buy distribution, Spotify for Podcasters offers free hosting and an RSS feed so you can add your show to other services.
    2. I record with Cleanfeed because it’s dead-simple, spits out WAVs without hassle and requires nothing from guests except click link > allow mic access. Worth the $34/month. I’ve also used Ennuicastr, which is cheaper but has a hideous UI. If I need to call someone on their actual phone number I use Google Voice/WhatsApp and record with Audio Hijack (there’s free ways to pipe audio around but AH is real easy to use.)
    3. Podcasting is the only creative medium where the viewer’s attention is capped at 30%. It’s talk radio: a diversion from commutes, chores, early childcare and other “I need to get something done but I’m kinda bored while doing it” activities. Some even use podcasts as a soporific. Nobody listens closely. This is freeing because you don’t need to edit closely either; I cut false starts, excessive umms and pre-roll chatter but I always welcome a long, digressive ramble. When a guest says something interesting it’s up to the user to rewind.
    4. Take notes during the convo. I don’t have a producer so I can lose a guest’s thread while muting/unmuting myself, digging around in my email for something, futzing with levels etc. Afterwards I immediately type up the notes, preserving what I found immediately interesting so I don’t have to hunt for interesting chunks while listening to the raw audio.
    5. Record a short intro: pleasant beeps and boops, your name, podcast name, guest name, why you’re talking to them. I skipped this for too long.
    6. Pile on the links in your show notes, even if nobody uses them it’s a great way to keep track of what you thought was cool months back.
  • 365 Days of Great Ideas for your Map Business

    My mother, the ultimate hustler, grossed like ~$2m selling small business advice. Her small business: selling small business advice. Very meta. I discovered this 22-year-old unopened idea-a-day desk calendar and it inspired me to write some “great ideas.” Remember: one solid trial is worth a billion “great ideas.”

    1. Tasting room maps for vineyards; wine is all about terroir, terrain. An oversized varnished wooden CNC’d topo map perhaps? The drunks will love touching it.
    2. Pick a patch of land you care about. Spend a few hours per month creating a luscious, baroque map of same. It’s important for the cartographer to have show-pieces that reflect your taste and talents.
    3. Fabricate and rent out a map dancefloor; you take metal 3x3ft trays, lay LEDs in the bottom, then the map layer, then a top layer of thick safety glass. What wedding could resist?
    4. Make high-throughput maps for academic publishers; $300 a pop, sort em out fast (talk to the art director first), the PhDs will recommend you to their colleagues.
    5. Make high-throughput looks-okay maps for powerpoint presentations; big companies love these. You just gotta get their point fast and keep it simple and readable.
    6. Map kitchen table; glazed super tight and hose-downable, bamboo/cellulosic barrier between the plastic and your potables.
    7. Map alarm clock; face is a nice glowy map. maybe 7×9″, takes up a nightstand but looks nice
    8. Map bookshelf; individual sealed plates to swap out, tough scratch-resistant lucite or celluloid
    9. Map lamp; adhere to a lampshade, maybe sandwich between fabric. Would be a great nightlight.
    10. Map escritoire; our deluxe model features a 190k x 250k E-ink display, hand-stained walnut encased in the toughest varnish, backlit by our user-serviceable fault-tolerant lighting core. It’s your map.
    11. Local map booth: print vintage maps of your local area, add to thrifted frames, sell for $20 each at your local farmer’s market or craft fair.
    12. Classroom map: you know those big rolled pull-down maps of the continents? You could update those.
    13. Map baton: 6 sided, what tarmac gate guys wave or smaller, laminate micron-scale map into interior of fine glass, two knobs scrolls thru hues + intensity.
    14. Map nightlight: 4×3″ micron-scale backlit map: an imagined place, the kingdom of sleeping 9 hours like a rock
    15. Multimaterial map: the USA is CNC’d gold depicting real terrain, Mexico is hand-beaten copper depicting real terrain, Guatemala is a knot of ruby depicting real terrain, pacific ocean a foot of glass smothering ridges ground out of sandstone
    16. Emboridered map: start stitching, make it a yard long like clara bowe, you can’t beat threads for texture
    17. map lava lamp: start with a blacked-out lamp, etch out map, illuminates nicely, shifting colors….whats bad
    18. Map tunnel: Lightboxes on all surfaces, mount polyester or film maps or monochrome LCD screens, great for expensive transition zones in commercial real estate, events.
    19. Stamped copper map: columbiapressworks.com beat you but hey try your hand
    20. Maps on coasters: hope they’re at least as good as https://www.etsy.com/shop/allmappedout
    21. Glowing map + recipes of the area; copy em down and try em in the kitchen
    22. Map ziggurat: mound up Getty-style marble, leaving a square shaft in the middle. You hit the top and you’re walking atop water-clear fused quartz; look down 20 feet, maps interleaved with more glass. Lit from below with low-presh sodium-style light. 90-deg mirrored telescopes on casters to peer down. What’s buried in there…..
    23. land/garden map: find a rich landowner or estate, make a beautiful bird’s-eye, top-down, or oblique of their land, stuff with illos like https://freight.cargo.site/w/1200/i/9be2e54a1e4cb74ea60824ff14bb558aa030cfe2bb65370bce55b1777a96f03e/Neil-Gower_Naumkeag.jpg
    24. Map tutorials: sell a series of .AI files with a complete, labeled, pretty 10×10″ map on the right, unstyled QGIS output on the left, “make left look like right”